Now that we’re settled into 2025 what are you most excited about? What do you want to create, experience, or move away from this year?
Whatever that is for you I wanted to share with you a formula to help you give structure and clarity on your goals
1) Set an Intention - WHAT do you want to see happen? In as much detail as you can, imagine what your desired outcome would feel and look like. Write it somewhere where you can see it often or create a vision board - whatever way you find most exciting would work best.
2) Find the desire - WHY do you want what you want? Desire is the fuel for your goals. The more you tap into the feeling and reason behind your WHY the stronger your motivation will become.

3) Become aware of the Gap - slow down your reaction time and start to think, feel and act ON PURPOSE
Make it a daily practice to create before you react i.e. make intentional choices that align with what you most want for yourself.
One of my favorite quotes (often accredited to Holocaust survivor Viktor Frankl) which always helps me get a perspective on life says:
“Between stimulus and response, there is a space. In that space lies our freedom and power to choose our responses. In our response lies our growth and our freedom.”
Anytime I find myself complaining about something in my life and feeling helpless to make a change, I remember that I have a choice:
I can choose to complain, get upset and blame myself or others about my reality, and feel like a victim of circumstances.
I can chose thoughts and beliefs that align with what I actually want to see happen.
I can think and feel…on PURPOSE
Whenever we experience anything, there is a gap between the moment it occurs and the moment we react to it.
The gap between these two moments is where everything you want to change and create exists.
When we don’t create space between “stimulus and response” we act from our fear-based, survival instincts - they are simply our default “factory settings” when we haven’t cultivated our minds in a way that truly serves us.

The gap is the difference between your emotional suffering, triggered behaviors, and autopilot knee-jerk reactions, versus living an intentional, fulfilling and joyful life on your own terms.
To widen the gap and start creating our thoughts and feelings on purpose, we need to make a habit of being with ourselves.
Whether it’s a long walk in your neighborhood, closing your eyes and listening to your breath for 10 minutes on your commute, journaling, meditation or staring at a wall for a few minutes - committing to any form of you being with yourself with no electronics or distractions is the first step to creating a deeper relationship. Think of it as scheduling Dates with Yourself.
The bigger you can make the gap of time before your "response", the more you allow yourself to reflect, step into curiosity and compassion, and make an intentional choice versus a knee-jerk reaction.
The more you do this the more you’ll naturally start to cultivate an awareness of the gap. You’ll become more curious, and slow down to tap into your own creativity, intuition and innate wisdom to chose and create your thoughts, beliefs and actions and ultimately your results.
Much love,
P.S. If any of this is hitting home for you and you'd like to explore how to create an intentional, fulfilling and joyful life and career, youre in luck! I'm giving away 3 Complimentary Coaching Sessions throughout the month of January (first come first serve) They will be claimed soon so book yours HERE !